Why Carry A Spare Inner Tube?
Uncategorised - 03 Jun, 2017

Why Carry A Spare Inner Tube?

Why Carry A Spare Inner Tube? Nearly all bikes use an inner tube. If you get a puncture when you are out cycling the quickest way to fix it is to pull the old t...
Which Bike Pump To Buy?
Accessories - 01 Jun, 2017

Which Bike Pump To Buy?

If you are new to cycling you may be wondering which bike pump to buy? The first type of pump you are going to want is a hand (or mini) pump. As you get more in...
Why Wear Cycling Shorts?
Clothing - 01 May, 2017

Why Wear Cycling Shorts?

If there is one thing your non-cycling friends are likely to comment on it is wearing tight lycra cycling shorts. A lot of people are embarrassed to wear cycl...
February Half-Price Servicing
Information - 09 May, 2016

February Half-Price Servicing

February Half-Price Servicing Our super popular February Half-Price Servicing offer is back for another year and our stores are taking bookings already. ...